Source of file config.php
Size: 5,291 Bytes - Last Modified: 2019-07-22T06:25:30+00:00
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155 | <?php date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; spl_autoload_register(function($class){ $classes = explode("\\", $class); $class = end($classes); if(file_exists(__DIR__ . '/' . $class . ".php")){ require_once __DIR__ . '/' . $class . '.php'; } else if(file_exists(__DIR__ . '/classes/' . $class . ".php")){ require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/' . $class . '.php'; } else if(file_exists(__DIR__ . '/classes/DB/' . $class . ".php")){ require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/DB/' . $class . '.php'; } else if(file_exists(__DIR__ . '/SupportedSites/' . $class . ".php")){ require_once __DIR__ . '/SupportedSites/' . $class . '.php'; } else if(file_exists(__DIR__ . '/Feeds/' . $class . ".php")){ require_once __DIR__ . '/Feeds/' . $class . '.php'; } }); $configFile = __DIR__ . '/config.yml'; $configFile2 = __DIR__ . '/../config.yml'; if(!file_exists($configFile)){ if(file_exists($configFile2)){ $configFile = $configFile2; } else{ die("Unable to load config.yml. Please check that the config file is located in the right place."); } } define("CONFIG_FILE", $configFile); function ymlOrEnvParse($configFile, $environmentVariablePrefix = "AD_"){ $yaml = new Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser(); $ymlConfig = $yaml->parse(file_get_contents($configFile)); $configVariableNames = [ "API_KEYS_GOOGLE" => ["name" => "api-keys_google", "type" => "string"], "DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY" => ["name" => "download-directory", "type" => "string"], "FORCE_HTTPS" => ["name" => "force-https", "type" => "boolean"], "EMAIL_FROM" => ["name" => "email_from", "type" => "string"], "EMAIL_ENABLED" => ["name" => "email_enabled", "type" => "boolean"], "DATABASE_DRIVER" => ["name" => "database_driver", "type" => "string"], "DATABASE_ALWAYS_CHECK" => ["name" => "database_always-check", "type" => "boolean"], "DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING" => ["name" => "database_connection-string", "type" => "string"], "DATABASE_USER" => ["name" => "database_user", "type" => "string"], "DATABASE_PASSWORD" => ["name" => "database_password", "type" => "string"], "DATABASE_DATABASE_NAME" => ["name" => "database_database-name", "type" => "string"], "SUPPORTED_SITES_CRTV" => ["name" => "supported-sites_crtv", "type" => "string"] ]; foreach($configVariableNames as $k => $v){ $k = $environmentVariablePrefix . $k; $kk = explode("_", $v["name"]); $e = getenv($k); if($e !== false){ if($v["type"] == "boolean"){ $e = mb_strtolower($e) == "true"; } $ymlConfig = \AudioDidact\GlobalFunctions::deepSetDictionaryValues($ymlConfig, $kk, $e); } } return $ymlConfig; } $ymlConfig = ymlOrEnvParse($configFile); define("FORCE_HTTPS", $ymlConfig["force-https"]); define("SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE", \AudioDidact\GlobalFunctions::is_ssl()); define("GOOGLE_API_KEY", $ymlConfig["api-keys"]["google"]); define("DOWNLOAD_PATH", $ymlConfig["download-directory"]); define("EMAIL_FROM", $ymlConfig["email"]["from"]); define("EMAIL_ENABLED", $ymlConfig["email"]["enabled"]); define("SUPPORTED_SITES_CRTV", $ymlConfig["supported-sites"]["crtv"]); // Figure out what subdirectory we are in function getRootSubdirectory(){ $path = explode("/", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); array_pop($path); // Remove PHP file from path array_shift($path); // Removing beginning slash $subdir = implode("/", $path); // If we're in a subdirectory, end with a trailing slash if(!empty($subdir)){ $subdir .= "/"; } return $subdir; } define("SUBDIR", getRootSubdirectory()); // Fix for commandline running if(php_sapi_name() === "cli"){ if(!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])){ $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] = "localhost"; } if(!isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])){ $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = ""; } if(!isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"])){ $_SERVER["HTTPS"] = "on"; } } // Use the subdir to set the full LOCAL_URL function getLocalURL($subdir){ $protocol = \AudioDidact\GlobalFunctions::is_ssl() ? "https://" : "http://"; $localURL = $protocol . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/" . $subdir; // Always end with a trailing slash if(mb_substr($localURL, -1, 1) != "/"){ $localURL .= "/"; } return $localURL; } define("LOCAL_URL", getLocalURL(SUBDIR)); $dbData = $ymlConfig["database"]; switch(strtolower($dbData["driver"])){ case("mysql"): define("CHOSEN_DAL", "\\AudioDidact\\DB\\MySQLDAL"); define("DB_USER", $dbData["user"]); define("DB_PASSWORD", $dbData["password"]); define("PDO_STR", $dbData["connection-string"]); break; case("sqlite"): define("CHOSEN_DAL", "\\AudioDidact\\DB\\SQLite"); define("PDO_STR", $dbData["connection-string"]); break; case("mongodb"): define("CHOSEN_DAL", "\\AudioDidact\\DB\\MongoDBDAL"); define("DB_DATABASE", $dbData["database-name"]); define("PDO_STR", $dbData["connection-string"]); break; default: throw new \Exception("Unknown database driver!"); } // // // Do not manually modify below this line // // /** Defines if a database validation is necessary */ if(!empty($ymlConfig["database"]["always-check"])){ define("CHECK_REQUIRED", $ymlConfig["database"]["always-check"]); } else{ define("CHECK_REQUIRED", false); } |