class GlobalFunctions
- // methods
- public static array secondsToTime()
- public static void modularUnitExpansion()
- public static void clearSession()
- public static void setCheckRequired()
- public static void SRIChecksum()
- public static void userLogIn()
- public static void userLogOut()
- public static void userIsLoggedIn()
- public static void is_ssl()
- public static void file_get_contents_no_verify()
- public static string generatePug()
- public static string pluralize()
- public static void arrayToCommaSeparatedString()
- public static void mb_str_split()
- public static DAL getDAL()
- public static mixed deepSetDictionaryValues()
- public static void verifySameOriginHeader()
- public static void randomToken()
- public static void verifyCSRFToken()
- public static void fullVerifyCSRF()
Methods | 50% | 10 / 20 |
Lines | 54.2% | 71 / 131 |
- SRIChecksum()
- arrayToCommaSeparatedString()
- clearSession() — Deletes all session variables and the session cookies
- deepSetDictionaryValues() — Sets the value of a dictionary subkey to $value.
- file_get_contents_no_verify()
- fullVerifyCSRF()
- generatePug() — Returns Pug (Jade) rendered HTML for a given view and options
- getDAL() — Makes a new DAL class based on values in config.php
- is_ssl()
- mb_str_split()
- modularUnitExpansion()
- pluralize() — Returns the correct plural or singular form of the given word
- randomToken()
- secondsToTime() — Convert number of seconds into hours, minutes and seconds and return an array containing those values
- setCheckRequired() — Sets the CHECK_REQUIRED flag in the config file
- userIsLoggedIn()
- userLogIn()
- userLogOut()
- verifyCSRFToken()
- verifySameOriginHeader()